We Help Businesses Get The Right People To The Right Places At The Right Time

Hall Global focuses on bringing people together in a world of complex laws so they can do great things together.

Service Areas

  • Strategic Planning

    Assessing your short, medium, and long-term business immigration needs and how to meet them.

  • Investigations | Enforcement | Litigation

    Proven, effective results when the government is against you.

  • Complex Business Visas

    When your strategic plan calls for sophisticated, complex visa work, Hall Global is right for you.

  • Advice & Counsel

    When you need a practical solution to a practical problem.

  • Investor/Talent Visas

    You don’t wait for opportunity to come to you. You go to it. We get you there.

Hall global brings people together to do great things

At Hall Global, we believe that people are at the heart of every business. That’s why over the last 17 years, we have made it our mission to help businesses navigate complex immigration and litigation issues to bring the right people together – so you can focus on what matters.

Our team is comprised of specialized attorneys to professionals who bring experience, expertise and structure to every case, advocating for you to achieve the best outcome the law and facts allow.

From our clients

Hall Law embodies for us a law firm that is very knowledgeable about the H2-A and H2-B program, all its regulations, legal history, present/past court cases, previous established law.

We feel that they understand the workings behind the scenes of the governmental agencies like the Department of Labor, the ALJ - time frames, how analysts and certifying officers think, and what judges would focus on. In 2014, we needed our own legal assistance for our unfair worker rights lawsuit. The whole office helped us with this very difficult and personal case, and they were excellent representation and helped us save thousands of dollars. We highly recommend the Hall Law office and Wendel and his team, and believe they are the answer when you need representation in the foreign labor arena.

– Manuel Fick, USA Farm Labor

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