Why USAFL Recommends The Hall Law Office


Manuel Fick describes why he and USAFL chooses the Hall Law Office, PLLC as its legal services provider.

From Manuel: “Our relationship with the Hall Law office started about five years ago. The Hall Law offices helped USA Farm Labor with a variety of legal services - responding to NODs and filing hearings and appeals. In 2018 we had 30 appeals and the majority of those cases were settled with relieved clients.

Hall Law embodies for us a law firm that is very knowledgeable about the H2-A and H2-B program, all its regulations, legal history, present/past court cases, previous established law. We feel that they understand the workings behind the scenes of the governmental agencies. like the department of labor the ALJ - time frames, how analysts and certifying officers think, and what judges would focus on. In 2014 we needed our own

legal assistance for our unfair worker rights lawsuit. The whole office helped us with this very difficult and personal case, and they were excellent representation and helped us save thousands of dollars. We highly recommend the Hall Law office and Wendel and his team, and believe they are the answer when you need representation in the foreign labor arena.”

Wendel Hall

Wendel Hall is a Manging Partner at Hall Global, specialising in lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. View Bio →


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