Biden Administration Extends Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) program, but challenges remain

Since April 2022, over 200,000 Ukrainian migrants have entered the United States under the U4U program, granting them the opportunity to live and work in the country for up to two years. While successful, the two-year time limit posed challenges, prompting the Biden Administration to implement the re-parole process.

On February 27, 2024, Biden administration authorized the Re-Parole process allowing Ukrainians admitted under the U4U program to apply for a two-year-extension.

 Concerns have arisen regarding the complicated applications process, unclear procedures, and the need to submit a separate application with a filing fee of $575 to request employment authorization.

 The re-parole extension and the other option currently available for Ukrainians, such as the TPS, are subject to executive discretion, raising concerns about potential reversals by future administrations. There is a need to find a more permanent solution through congressional action, like the bipartisan Ukrainian Adjustment Act, that would allow Ukrainians to seek permanent residency.



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